Citizen journalism, can be defined as a community news and informationshared online and/or in print. The content is generated by users and readers. It can betext / blogs, digital storytelling, images, audio file, podcasting or video. Feedback anddiscussion on issues raised is received in the same way.2
Citizen journalism is a form of citizen media - where individuals write and orcomment on issues they feel are left out of the mainstream media. Many issuesaddressed in citizen journalism tend to be covered in a superficial way by themainstream media3.
Mark Glaser, in his article, explains the main idea of the citizen journalism.The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalismtraining can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of theinternet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration withothers4.
From some of the explanation above, we could say that citizen journalism is aform of citizen media, where the news and information is generated by users andreaders, and all kind of people have the right to make a news themselves
I.3.2 Characteristics of Citizen Journalism
The press, or journalism, is often referred to as the fourth estate – a necessarycomponent that acts as the watchdog for a healthy democracy. This is a hugeresponsibility, indicative of the important and integral role that journalism plays inour society. According to Michael Schudson, journalism is “the business of a set ofinstitutions that publicizes periodically (usually daily) information and commentaryon contemporary affairs, normally presented as true and sincere, to a dispersed andanonymous audience so as to publicly include the audience in a discourse taken to bepublicly important.”5
There is lot of form of citizen journalism, such as blog, twitter, facebook,some web that allows participatory comment and article submission, eyewitnessprograms and so on.Lot of the media for