Furthermore, the one thing that I wish I could have done over was, I wish I had not bought the security hex. This is because I was not aiming to buy that hex, but just trying to raise the price. I did this because I thought that since the government had promised to provide us citizens with access to free security they would buy the hex both ways. This proved me wrong when they stopped bidding right after I had said a price. In other words, I didn’t really need to buy the security hex. It basically caused me to go in a type of loss, because after buying that I was unable to afford anything else.
The main part of the Hex Auction was the thing that the government did that frustrated me. This was, when any citizen went towards buying an un-residential hex (i.e.; education, health, etc.) the government would threaten them by saying “if you guys buy those hexes, then we will not supply it free to the rest of the community.” This frustrated me because during the elections, when the party was stating their platforms – they had not made us aware that if we bought an un-residential hex that they are planning to, they will then change their platform and deny of offering it to the rest of the nation.
Surprisingly, there was not a single thing that the government had done that had impressed me. Lastly, after the Hex Auction the most important question that comes to my mind is that, the government had not said that we could not buy