Ascalew Abebe & Dr Ian GN Smith
School of the Built Environment, Napier University, Edinburgh
(Note: This Student Guide is intended as just that - a guide for students of civil engineering. Use it as you see fit, but please note that there is no technical support available to answer any questions about the guide!)
There are many texts on pile foundations. Generally, experience shows us that undergraduates find most of these texts complicated and difficult to understand. This guide has extracted the main points and puts together the whole process of pile foundation design in a student friendly manner.
The guide is presented in two versions: text-version (compendium from) and this web-version that can be accessed via internet or intranet and can be used as a supplementary self-assisting students guide.
Introduction to pile foundations
Pile foundation design
Load on piles
Single pile design
Pile group design
Installation-test-and factor of safety
Pile installation methods
Test piles
Factors of safety
Chapter 1 Introduction to pile foundations
1.1 Pile foundations
1.2 Historical
1.3 Function of piles
1.4 Classification of piles
1.4.1 Classification of pile with respect to load transmission and functional behaviour
1.4.2 End bearing piles
1.4.3 Friction or cohesion piles
1.4.4 Cohesion piles
1.4.5 Friction piles
1.4.6 Combination of friction piles and cohesion piles
1.4.7 .Classification of pile with respect to type of material
1.4.8 Timber piles
1.4.9 Concrete pile
1.4.10 Driven and cast in place Concrete piles
1.4.11 Steel piles
1.4.12 Composite piles
1.4.13 Classification of pile with respect to effect on the soil
1.4.14 Driven piles
1.4.15 Bored piles
1.5 Aide to classification of piles
1.6 Advantages and disadvantages of different pile material
1.7 Classification of piles - Review
Chapter 2 Load on piles