Joanna Hibbard
Professor Garcia
Eng 240
Civil Rights for Gay in Marriage and Adoption
When it comes to civil rights for Gays pertaining to marriage and adoption there is a lot of major controversy, however the pro’s by far out weight the cons. History shows the beginning of the gay civil rights movement in the United States primarily began with the Stonewall riots that took place in Greenwich in 1969. Some refer to it as the Gay Revolution, this sparked a lot of controversy pertaining to whether the gay community had the right to marriage and raising families. There are two major sides; there is the pro side, which President Obama stands strongly behind, which states yes of course they should. Just because certain individuals love the same gender does not mean they should not have the same rights as a male and female in love. The opposing sides are venamently against letting these types of couples have any rights including adopting children. They claim it goes against the whole moral fabric of our country, however it mostly comes from religious beliefs and own personal discriminations. There are quite a few loop holes that States use to prevent any type of legal union between the same sexes, for example the certain types of wording in their legislations pertaining to marriage. Steve Sanders who is an appellate lawyer and an Associate Professor at the University Michigan Law School specializing in Constitutional litigation wrote; “Same-sex marriage is now legal in six states, and tens of thousands of same-sex couples have already gotten married. Yet the vast majority of other states have adopted statutes or constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. These mini-defenses of marriage acts not only forbid the creation of same-sex marriages; they also purport to void or deny recognition to the perfectly valid same-sex marriages of couples who migrate from states where such marriages are legal. These non-recognition laws
Cited: Mohr, Richard D. The Long Arc Of Justice : Lesbian And Gay Marriage, Equality, And Rights. n.p.: Columbia University Press, 2005. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 23 Sept. 2012. ONDERKO, PATTY. "The (Same-Sex) Family Next Door." Parenting School Years 25.2 (2011): 62-65. Health Source - Consumer Edition Potter, Daniel Sanders, Steve. "The Constitutional Right To (Keep Your) Same-Sex Marriage." Michigan Law Review 110.8 (2012): 1421-1481. Business Source Premier. Solomon, Todd A., Joseph S SULLIVAN, ANDREW. "The President Of The United States Shifted The Mainstream In One Interview." Newsweek 159.21 (2012): 22-25. Academic Search Premier. Wilson, Robin Fretwell. "." BYU Journal Of Public Law 22.2 (2008): 475-497. Academic Search Premier.