A stable working environment is the reason behind maintaining such culture and it is believed to be achievable through rigorous policies and procedures. (Cameron & Quinn, 1999). Adhocracy Culture The adhocracy culture brings in a sense of freedom in an organization. The culture provides enormous opportunities for professional growth of individuals and let them chose the way towards achieving corporate objectives. Innovation is always welcomed in such culture and leaders tend to be entrepreneurs. According to Naranjo-Valencia (2016) an innovation-oriented approach, characteristically with an adhocracy culture improves long-term business performance (Naranjo-Valencia et al., 2016). Market Culture Market Culture uses a result-oriented approach which focuses on achieving their goals and having leverage over the market (Hribar & Mendling, 2014). The competitive environment makes interpersonal relations less flexible as individuals are more fixated on winning the competition. Organization as a whole is directed towards achieving higher market share. Moreover, Success is perceived as achieving targets with high level of productivity and outperforming their coworkers (Porcu et al., …show more content…
To make the company uplift you must know what your priorities are; because every company has a different mission .i.e. a company like Intel is always on a clock because they have to do things first to sustain their market share. So if a company like Intel implements a market culture, they would not be able to innovate new technology because in market culture the companies are very much competitive in nature and their focus is primarily on short team