other people. What is surprising of this painting is the time period. The painting is clearly being going against the Roman Catholic church for the use of put a deity other than God. In document 8, the document is a picture of a villa in Europe. The picture is a Roman style building with Roman gods’ statues on the villa. This architecture is how ancient Roman culture can influence architecture in the Renaissance. The interest in ancient Roman idea has led to people shaping building into Roman style again which was not seen for many centuries ever since the fall of the Roman empire. This is the idea of classicism, the bringing of classical ideas into the new age. These documents show how many of the Renaissance ‘s artwork and literature can be used to convey classicism as a renaissance value.
other people. What is surprising of this painting is the time period. The painting is clearly being going against the Roman Catholic church for the use of put a deity other than God. In document 8, the document is a picture of a villa in Europe. The picture is a Roman style building with Roman gods’ statues on the villa. This architecture is how ancient Roman culture can influence architecture in the Renaissance. The interest in ancient Roman idea has led to people shaping building into Roman style again which was not seen for many centuries ever since the fall of the Roman empire. This is the idea of classicism, the bringing of classical ideas into the new age. These documents show how many of the Renaissance ‘s artwork and literature can be used to convey classicism as a renaissance value.