I. Kinds of Meat
a) Beef
b) Veal
c) Lamb and mutton
d) Pork
II. Kinds of Fish
a) Fin Fish
b) Shellfish
Cattle – cows, bulls, or steers that re kept on a farm or ranch for meal.
Bovine - Of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
Dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox
Ovine - Of or pertaining to or of the nature of or characteristic of a sheep or sheep
Lard - Soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog
Glycogen – polysaccharide that is principal form in which glucose is stored in animal tissues.
Classification of Meat Based Species
The meats for which there is the greatest market in America are pork, beef, veal, lamb, and mutton. The consumption of the various kind of meat was estimated to be approximately 62 pounds of pork (including cured pork products but not lard); 78 pounds of beef; 10 pounds of veal; and 4.3 pounds of lamb and mutton.
It is generally accepted that beef cattle yields a higher percentage of edible meat and meat of a higher quality than dairy cattle, whose selection has been made wholly on the basis of milk and butterfat production.
Beef carcasses are classified on the basis of age and sex. The specific classes are steer, heifer, cow, stag, and bull.
Steer is a male castrated when young.
Heifer is a young female which has not yet borne a calf.
Cow is a female which has borne a calf.
Stag is a male castrated after maturity.
Bull is a mature male, not castrated.
Veal is meat from immature animals of the bovine species. The best veal carcasses are usually from animals 4-8 weeks of age and may be of either sex. The minimum age for killing is 3 weeks. The maximum was formerly 3 months but now the term "calf" is applied to animals slaughtered from 14-52 weeks of age.
Calf carcasses are from more mature animals of the bovine species that have passed beyond the veal stage but have not yet taken on beef characteristics. Calf