Cited: Stapleford, J. (2009). Bulls, bears and golden calves. (2 ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. [pic]
Cited: Stapleford, J. (2009). Bulls, bears and golden calves. (2 ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. [pic]
Cow calf administrators keep up a rearing group of meat dairy animals and regulate their multiplication. There are more than 60,000 cow calf cultivates the nation over. Canada's hamburger cow crowd is evaluated at roughly 5 million head. Rearing groups run in size from as few as five to 10 dairy animals on little blended homesteads to a few hundred or more on expansive farms. The rearing crowd comprises of dairy animals and yearlings of a solitary breed or crossbreed that are precisely chosen for maternal attributes, for example, mothering capacity, simplicity of calving, drain generation and hamburger quality characteristics of their posterity. Execution tried, thoroughbred bulls from breeds noted for the attractive attributes of their posterity make up the male side of the crowd; one bull can regularly breed with…
3. List 3 examples of how the Government has encouraged churches and religion in the U.S.…
people?” (46) In a way, the government did have its own responsibilities and duties that…
the nation in a way that pleases God. President Reagan elaborated on the best way for the government of The United States of America to incorporate Christians in governing and making laws in the constitution, was to ensure that no laws or rules were passed by the politicians without the social consensus of the Christians. Through such collaboration with Christians, the Americans would serve and believe God as they had always believed before.…
From a Christian perspective, Marxist communism failed because of the atheistic qualities. Marxist communism didn’t allow people to practice their religious beliefs. Marx’s social system also wouldn’t allow people to take home their own earnings, making everyone have the same earnings, wiping out inequality (Stapleford, 2009, p. 62). “The weakening of property rights for the rich or the talented also endangers the property right of the remainder of society and undermines economic growth” (Stapleford, 2009, p. 62). The lack of economic growth is ultimately what led to Marxist communism failing.…
Christians should not just stand around watching as the world goes by, but instead we should be involved and speak up for what is right. Regulatory activities of the government greatly affect the daily lives of the people. Stapleford states, “Christians have the same civic responsibilities as all citizens, but as citizens of the kingdom of god we are also to bring God’s transcendent standards of righteousness and justice into the public square” (2009, page 98). For example in the Bible Jesus states give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. He is God yet he still paid taxes just like everyone else. Taxes are a significant area of regulation that Christians should be a part of. It affects our daily lives and it is important that we have a say in them. We should also be involved with regulations that involve ethical issues like abortion and Christian books being taken out of libraries and so forth. Another area would be environmental factors. God gave us the earth to subdue it and it is important that we take care of that gift to honor him and bring him…
After reviewing Marx’s and Kuyper’s ideas for improving society and ending poverty, twenty-first century Christians should remember that these idea were conceived more than a hundred years ago. While many Christians may readily agree with Kuyper, they must consider how well his ideas would function today before implanting them. Although the same statement could be made about Marx, Christians should be wary of his support of communism. Even though he is correct about the need for reform, he neglects the authority of God and possesses a misguided view of human nature. While both Marx and Kuyper emphasis poverty as an important issue, they disagree on how to resolve the problem as Marx argues for radical change in the social system and Kuyper…
Ferdon, G. (2014). Constitutional government and free enterprise: A biblical Christian worldview approach and emphasis: Interactive notes. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN: 9781465238856.…
One of the primary principles of communist is that capitalism is characteristically awful and represented a risk to the common laborers. Meanwhile, “The capitalists believed there should be a free economy in which private individuals made most decisions” (Brookioh, 2012). The communists see every single entrepreneur country as conceivable foes. As indicated by them, capitalism will in the end crush itself and it is their obligation to help it along. They deny participation amongst themselves and capitalist countries ideologically.…
The truth of the matter is that we all possess the God-given gift of free will and how we manage our finances or where we choose to allocate funds is based upon our own personally held beliefs, morals, and values. Christian Socialist argues that the free-market wealth discourages individuals from tending to the welfare of their neighbors, but the bible also states that, If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy…
The Bible explains the role of government, and also was built by our founding fathers on biblical principles. Laws should be based on God’s laws. The Bible urges us to pray, petition, and thanksgiving be made for all those in authority. In a biblical worldview the government should promote an environment that provides the work of God. He created humanity, which includes the government, and everyone should know Him. A government based on God would allow this and encourage this.…
He claims that Christianity teaches ideas similar to communism, and should not be horrified by how these ideas are set in motion. Marx misunderstands that while Christianity does not encourage the accumulation of personal belongings, it also does not advocate distribution of rich peoples’ property. Christians should be ashamed of their ignorance and lack of action on behalf of the poor. However, stripping the rich of their wealth will not resolve the social issue as it effects more than the economic institutions of…
Nevertheless, man’s temporal good is the freedom to pursue his eternal good unhindered. Although Christian revelation did not do away with the fundamental concept of the divine origin of government, it made several important distinctions. The government, though it derives its authority from God, is distinct from the Church. Both the state and church are related, but with distinct endings. With the church, even man’s temporal actions must be directed towards his eternal end. The act of government…
4. In keeping with God’s plan, a person can take part of the democratic capitalistic society, but without becoming corrupted by it. A person keeping true to faith and prayer will be more capable of sympathy, of doing more for the good will, and of creating an abundance of good will (worth far more than its weight in gold). Keeping God in one’s heart will keep selfishness out.…
What does it mean to be a christian citizen?? Every Christian, no matter what form of government he lives under, is under command from the lord t maintain proper and useful submission to that government for the sake of leading a peaceful life. And having an effective witness. The mission of the church is not to change society. Even though that is often a good way of faithful ministry and living. To worship and serve the lord and to bring others to saving faith in him. The basic command for Christians is very simple that Christianity and good citizenship should go together. And, as Paul explains, subjection to the governing authorities includes much more than simply obeying civil laws. It also includes honor and respect for government officials, as God's agents for maintaining order and justice in human society. Believers are to be model citizens, known as law abiding. We are supposed to be obedient rather than rebellious, respectful of government rather than demeaning of it. We belong to a godly society, doing good and living peaceably within an ungodly society, manifesting our transformed lives so that the saving power of God is clearly seen. Paul teaches that the Christian has to willingly place himself/herself under all governing authorities, whoever they may be. He gives no qualifications of conditions. Every civil law is to be give to people who want to be christian citizens. There is only one limitation to the believers obligation under the lord to willing and complete submission to civil authority. Any law or command that would require disobedience to God's word. Regardless of the failures of the government, many of them are immoral,unjust, and ungodly. Christians are to pray and live peaceful lives that influence the world by godly,selfless living, not by protests, sit-ins, and marches, much less by rebellion. Paul said that there is no civil authority, except from God. No matter what it takes, no human government at any time in history,…