Based upon the results from “A Brief Experimental Analysis for Identifying Instructional Components Needed to Improve Oral Fluency,” the intervention was useful to Michelle, Jill, Stephen, and Jacob; but in different ways. All four students improved in their reading fluency skills in at least one area in both the instructional passages and in the HCO passages (Daly, et al., 1999). It is important to note that the results were based on visually discriminable changes and in the level of responding across all conditions. Jill greatly benefited from having the …show more content…
Having clear data supported interventions are important and will be useful for me as a teacher because narrowing down conditions help me better understand the students I am working with. When looking at effective reading strategies and interventions, repeated readings seemed to have had a positive impact on every learner in the study. As a teacher, repeated readings of a text are something I could easily implement in my classroom to assist in students’ comprehension of a text.
How does the information you read help you to make sense of the baseline intervention project assignment?
After reading this week’s readings, I have a better understanding of baseline interventions and how to effectively carry out an intervention/treatment plan. I now have new ideas and resources for me to use to help improve my students’ reading and language skills. The “Baseline Intervention PowerPoint” was laid out nicely and useful towards helping me understand the AB design model we will be required to conduct in our baseline intervention project. After looking at the various resources given on baseline, I also have a better idea of how to present my final baseline intervention project.
What information do you still have questions