Occupational Therapist
An Occupational Therapist will come into school and work with children who may have difficulties with gross or fine motor skills. They assess the needs of a child and provide advice for what can be done for the child to help them with any difficulties. For example; they may recommend special equipment/aids for the child.
The benefit to the child is that they can partake in activities with their peers rather than be left out. This ensures the child has maximum opportunities in school and doesn’t have to miss any lessons.
Speech Therapist
A speech therapist works with children who have speech difficulties and who may have difficulties with understanding/processing information.
They will advise teaching staff of stratergies to use, work that can be done to develop the child’s speech.They may also recommend communication aids for the child. They may also advise of training for adults in school E.g; sign language/Makaton training.
The benefit to the child is that they can find ways to communicate in school-either by speaking or signs, or using communication aids. This may help them interact with their peers and also communicate with the teacher-they are able to express their needs.
The child’s understanding of work they are asked to do may also improve-if the work is differentiated to their level and the language used is appropiate.E.g instructions kept simple, information presented pictorially. The benefit to the child is their inclusion in lessons and if they can complete tasks successfully this builds up their self confidence.
Additional Learning Support (Teaching Assistant)
A teaching assistant may work on a 1:1 basis with a child that has additional needs. The teaching assistant may differentiate work to the child’s level, support the child to behave