Community nurses
Community nurses are based at a local GP’s surgery. They can give advice and training to parents and pre-school groups on administering epipens (for severe allergic reactions) rectal valium (epilepsy) and other medical issues.
Health visitors
Health visitors are responsible for pre-school aged children and all children with disabilities. A few health visitors do pre-school screening or developmental tests. Some will visit early years settings and discuss individual children with parental permission. They are often an informal point of contact for a parent who has a concern about their child, and can be accessed through their local GP or clinic.
Occupational therapist
An occupation therapist (OT) helps children with difficulties they have in carrying out the activities of everyday life. This could include sitting in a chair, holding a spoon or fork or drinking from a cup. They can also advise on how you, as a parent, can carry your child up and down stairs safely. OTs work for both health and social services and assess children for things like specialist seating and equipment that may be supplied.
A paediatrician is a doctor who specialises in working with babies and children. They are often the first point of contact for families who find out their child has an impairment or disability very early on in hospital. They can offer advice, information and support about any medical condition a child has. It is usually a paediatrician who refers your child to any other specialists they need to see.
A physiotherapist is a health professional specialising in physical and motor development. They will assess your child and develop a plan that might include helping with head control, sitting, rolling, crawling and walking. They can also advise you on how to handle your child at home for feeding, bathing and dressing and advise on equipment that might help your child’s mobility. A