Classroom Management
Task 3
A. Beginning of the day – When students arrive to the classroom, they will place their materials in the proper locations, then transition into independent work through the following procedures: 1. Students will enter the classroom and begin the arrival routine.
2. Each student removes their folder and snack from their backpack, and then puts the backpack in their cubby.
3. Their folder goes in the “Homework Folder” bin, and their snack goes in the snack basket at their table.
4. The student should then go to the SMART board, check in on the attendance chart, and read the ‘Do Now’ activity. 5. The student will then work on the activity until the arrival time transition has ended by signal of the teacher ringing a bell.
B. End of the day – When the teacher signals pack-up time, the students will t4ransition to the proper location in the classroom to begin the end of day pack-up routine: 1.Students will sit at their tables. Homework directions will be given.
2. Homework folder bins will be placed on the tables by a student assigned the role for the week.
3. Each table will be called one at a time to empty their mailboxes, at which point the student will go to their mailboxes, empty the materials, and then return to their table to pack up their folders.
4. Once everyone has emptied their mailbox, tables will once again be called one at a time to push in their chairs, put their folders in their backpacks, and then make their way to their bus rooms for dismissal.
C. Transition between activities – Students will complete a transition routine and move from one activity in the classroom to another in a reasonable amount of time with independence. Students will be given a warning, letting them know they have 2 minutes left to work on their assignment, and that when the timer goes off they should stop working and give their attention to the teacher for directions. A timer is set on the SMART board.