Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment due to environmental issues, environmental friendly products and green production is now a trend; and cleaner production assessment is a great way to know the areas of improvement of a firm to make them continue their process in a harmless way.
Cleaner production is a broad term that encompasses what some countries call waste minimization, waste avoidance and pollution prevention. It refers to a mentality of how we produce our goods and services with the minimum environmental impact under present technological and economic limits. Cleaner production involves applying know-how, improving technologies, and above all, changing attitudes in many places. And it also involved the elimination of toxic, dangerous materials and the reduction of emissions and waste at the source.
Nowadays bakeries are committed to continuous environmental improvement and it has implemented cleaner production improvements on an ongoing basis as part of its environmental management system. It has set and achieves targets for improvement of energy and water efficiency, and in waste reduction.
Background of the Study
A bakery or bakeshop is an establishment which produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cakes, pastries and pies. The Bakery Shop leads users to distinguish that people have many wants, which wants are unlimited and resources are limited. The goal is to enable students to explain how resources can be used in different ways, identify goods and services, and recognize money as the commonly accepted average of exchange for goods and services.
Customers expect bread to have a sufficient volume, an attractive shape and color, a small piece that is finely and evenly distributed and is soft enough to chew but firm enough to slice. These quality characteristics can only be achieved