It was interesting to hear, and see, what kind of challenges that deaf people faced. One of the people I found interesting was. A hearing French professor had brought the language from France and that was how it signing had started. I thought that was interesting, because not only was it a long time to create a form of communication for the deaf community; they were also mistreated for their inability to communicate with the rest of the world. Another person that I found interesting, was Alexander Gram Bell, had a wife and mother, who were deaf. On top of that, it was startling at first, to hear that the deaf community treated him as a sort of “boogeyman.” I found it fascinating that he is well known in a hearing class for inventing the telephone, but in the deaf class, he is known for starting the Oralism form of communication in the deaf community. Along with that, Bell fought against having sign language being taught, because he felt that it was a “borrowed language.” Instead he wanted the people community to learn to speak and read lips. It was interesting to hear, because I assumed that most people who were deaf just learned sign language for their communication.…