A client who is being referred has to be asked questions such as where would it be more accessible for one to attend their sessions. what payment plan or insurance they have to see if the company or insurance covers their sessions. Also, if the location your being referred to is close by or if the eligibility standards are difficult to meet. For example, if the client is referred, then the helpers job would be to ask question to provide the best service to the client. Therefore, the helper knows and can empower the client to become self-sufficient. This usually happens when the helper knows their is a gateway and when working with colleges …show more content…
together to solve a problem is best for the clients needs “The more,the better”. One who is involuntarily placed in the system is a client who has been order by court or if in prison or in Educational system like schools or under the influence of drugs;to forcefully attend sessions or that is under supervision due to the problem or trauma there facing. Also, people who are under house arrest that have to be attend certain amount of hour in order to be dismissed. Therefore, people who are being help its only in most cases is for their best interest. And at times its very hard to work with this client because they may not want to be there so the attitude or behavior can affect how the sessions goes. One who receives inadvertent helping is one who is under custody and or being helped without intentionally known that they are being helped.
And the qualifications are meet for the client to be helped For example, when someone takes the initiative to help you but you don't know your being helped. A program at your school can help you with out your concerned by providing you with a social worker or a mentor which is one way that you are receiving inadvertent.
2) What would this client be looking for in order to evaluate the success of the services provided? What the client would be looking for in order to evaluate the success of the service provided by the helper, is by showing within there capability would reflect self-sufficient . For example, if the client can manage themselves by working or showing income,boosts of self-esteem and by have basic needs of living such as, shelter,food and clothing show that the client can manage to provide for them selfs basic living needs. For instance, social care,social control,and rehabilitation are some things that a helper can provide to their client in order to better there state or situation. And the out come would be “Teach a man to fish ,and you feed him for a life time”. Also, the agencies are evaluated by the client and thats how the agencies create a rating with other …show more content…
3) Short Paragraphs A) One human service value principle that i would have difficulty using as a guiding principle for my actions it would be ethics\ moral values. I feel very strongly when it comes to religion and i know i would have a difficult time if i am involved with anything that goes agents my believes. For example, when i am seeking for a job as a religious person i would not work in a abortion clinic because it goes agents my beliefs as a Catholic. value often influence attitude and behavior and i want to be able to give my best to the client without being bias.
B) One Human service value that i posses that would determine positive professional action\behavior would be Individuality, because i feel that I'm good at putting problems that happened in the past and not looking or judging no one in present time. Also, lifestyle or previous problems that clients have faced should not be a gateway to judge no one in the process of becoming in powered and rehabilitation. In addition, helping the clients cope with there problems as an oppose to brushing the problems off.
4) Thoroughly discuss each of the stages of the helping process. * Preparation- Before the client even reaches the office the helper must have in hand all documentation that expresses the need of the service that the helper can provide and options. Also,it facilitates the working process for the helper and the client. And free from all distraction so the client can develop a sense of trust and the helper can provide confidentiality to the client .For example, if the client sees the helper ready and organized then the client can feel at the moment the center of attention and doesn't need to worry about this that would get them distracted and more far from the initial goal.
* The Clients Arrives- When the client arrives you have to make sure your friendly and that you like what you do as a Human Service professional. The vibes you put out, thats what you will get out. Making sure everything runs smoothly to become the “ice breaker” and to build a professional relationship.
Exploring The Problem- As a helper when your exploring the problem you have to be opened minded about the clients situation and look in one as a whole person. Exploring what the problem or dilemma that happening with the client and feeling empathy.
Final Stage Termination- The termination is a very challenging part in the Human service field because its had to finish something when work is in progress or if the client gets attached to the helper and the initial goal gets lost and the empowerment development gets tampered with.
5) Discuss- One strategy that would be helpful with client would be to repeat what they are saying back to them .So that they would be able to understand what they have answered to the helper. For example if the client expresses to the helper that they are “stupid” the response of the helper would be “so what your telling is that your or stupid or feel stupid”. The reflection clarify messages will help because people or clients don't notice some time what they are saying until they hear it over. One strategy to use when working with clients who are culturally different is maybe learning a little bit about their culture to be able to give them the respect that every individual deserve. Also, trying to be more patient with them because they might feel restricted or different. Therefore, it maybe a bit more difficult to fix the
discomfort. One characteristic and skill that would be effective in crisis intervention would be by giving the client the undivided attention and not being judgmental on the clients problem or issues but looking at them as a whole person. The helper must always what the client to feel peaceful and handle the problem quickly. Trying to focus on the clients feeling help comfort them in a good manner.