The Client The problem or challenge facing the client is currently making progress to goals. The goals they discussed in the meeting were how things were going in the facility, developing friendships, getting off depression medication, being active, and keeping a healthy weight. These are all goals that Susan had been working on over the past 3-4 months in the facility. As part of the evaluation, the social …show more content…
She did a lot of head nodding, and had the open posture that was accepting (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997). She also had a reassuring voice when she was discussing progress with the client. She made great contact as well, even when she had notes in front of her (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997). I did notice her reflect feelings once for sure when she had asked, “how do you feel about developing friendships here?” (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997). Susan responded, and the social worker reflected saying, “I’m glad you feel you have that support system so you don’t have to rely on contact through the phone with your family or …show more content…
An example of this was, “maybe we could have my kids meet here so we could talk about the will, assets, and the house situation over.” The social worker only suggested, “yeah, I can get in contact with the lawyer for you.” For the practice setting, it may be best since the social worker knows she has family, and now found out that her oldest son knows about the will, that maybe the family should meet to discuss this next step in Susan’s life adjustment process. That’s how Susan was reflecting her feelings by suggesting things that she’d like to