Generic Security Framework for Cloud Computing Environments
Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi
Doctoral Dissertation in
Communication Systems
School of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
KTH ‐ Stockholm, Sweden, 2011
TRITA ‐ ICT ‐ COS ‐1102
KTH, School of Information and
ISSN: 1653‐6347
Communication Technology
ISRN: KTH/COS‐‐11/02‐‐SE
SE‐16440 Stockholm
ISBN: 978‐91‐7415‐964‐6
SWEDEN Academic dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
Systems at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan to be publicly defended on May 16, 2011 at
13:00 in Sal D, Forum, Isafjordsgatan 39 Kista. © Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi, 2011
The research presented in this doctoral dissertation has been performed at the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Activities towards the completion of this thesis span four years of research and many people have contributed and guided me to the full understanding of the presented work. I wish to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to all of them in my humble acknowledgments.
First and foremost, I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Sead Muftic, who mentored and guided me throughout my research with his patience, expert knowledge and invaluable suggestions. His encouragement and support from the initial to the final step enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject and finish my thesis. One simply could not wish for a better or a friendlier supervisor. I am indebted to him more than he knows.
I gratefully acknowledge support by Dr. Arshad Ali and Dr. Farooq Ahmed for providing me the opportunity to study at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). I also wish to express my deep