I. Summarize the documentary “Super Size Me”. Give a detailed description of the coverage of the documentary, and state briefly the “take-away” message it gives. Do not cut & paste from reviews of the movie from any source. This must be in your own words.
II. Answer these questions specifically, state the data given in the documentary which aired in 2004 and compare that to the most current (i.e., 2012-2013) data from online sources such as WHO, CDC,, Harvard Medical Library, your textbook.
a. What is the percentage of adults that are obese in America today?
b. Since 1980, how has that number changed?
c. What is the fattest state in America? d. Why is obesity mentioned as the number 1 cause of preventable death in America? What is another cause of preventable death mentioned in the video? What other health conditions does being obese lead to?
e. How many joints does McDonalds operate?
f. How many McDonalds are in Manhattan, where Morgan lives?
g. Has there been a change in the number of McDonalds in the U.S. today since the movie was made?
III. In the documentary, Morgan embarks on a 30 day McDonalds binge, he enlists the help of how many and which doctors?
a. What kinds of questions do they ask him? b. What is Morgan’s health status at the beginning of the documentary? c. How do the doctors think Morgan’s body will respond to the 30 day “challenge”?
IV. Morgan also gets assistance from what other professionals? Why?
V. What is Morgan’s girlfriend profession? In your own opinion, how do you think this may affect his 30-day challenge?
VI. On day 1, Morgan asks people if they eat fast food. One lady compares the U.S. fast food restaurants to France fast food restaurants. Explain how McDonalds differs in Europe and the U.S.