In this report I will discuss how Clubfoot happens and how we treat it and the symptoms and how they know they have symptoms. Clubfoot (or talipes equinovarus) is a rare birth defect that makes the infants foot twisted (Clubfoot). Clubfoot is a serious problem for many infants and shouldn’t be treated any other way. Luckily they have a treatment for this in which this report about to tell you how they do it along with other things about it. The next paragrapgh in this report is the signs and symptoms.
Clubfoot is caused by the genes you get from your mother and father when the infant is in the embryo and the infant still forming. The signs of having this are the foot is smaller than what it would normally look like, another is the infants foot might be pointing downward, or the infants "foot is rotated toward the other foot" (Clubfoot). The most extreme cases might have the infants …show more content…
The first description was found in India around 1000 B.C. But the first actual written descripton was given by Hippocrates around 400 B.C. and our method is not much different from theirs. The method they use today is called the Ponseti method. Some tests that we use to check if they have clubfoot is a X-ray to see the bones of the foot. They also could use ultrasound before the baby is born to see if they have clubfoot.
Clubfoot is a common genetic disease and that is easy to treat. The reason behind that is because it's easy to determine that you have it and there are many different treatments for it. All the person with clubfoot has to do is make an appointment with your doctor to get an X-ray of a grown person or an infant’s foot and get treatment for it, if they have it, right away. When they’re getting an ultrasound of the baby, they should go ahead and ask their doctor to check for any signs of clubfoot. The conclusions is make sure that you don't have clubfoot, but if you do try and get it treated right