In the morning Nancy answers the phone, it’s a girl, Jolene Katz, who wants to learn how to make a cherry pie. Nancy is the best cherry pie maker in Holcomb. Nancy agrees to teach Jolene. Once Nancy is done teaching Jolene she leaves her with her mom, Bonnie, so Nancy can go help another girl with a musical lesson. Bonnie shows Jolene her collection of miniatures. Then Jolene’s mom comes to pick her up. Once Jolene is gone Bonnie Clutter goes to bed depressed. Kenyon …show more content…
is in the basement building a chest for one of his older sisters. While Kenyon is in the basement Herb Clutter is visits with an agent. Mr. Clutter makes a deal for a large life insurance plan. The agent keeps Mr. Clutter’s check in his pocket. Soon it is evening and Mrs. Clutter is in bed while Mr. Clutter, Kenyon, Nancy, and Bobby Rupp, Nancy’s boyfriend, sit in the family room and watch TV. Bobby stays till about 11 o’clock then goes home. All of the Clutters are now in bed. Nancy writes one last journal entry in her diary.
The next morning, Sunday morning, Nancy Ewalt, one of Nancy’s classmates, went over to the Clutter’s house.
Nancy Ewalt was supposed to go to church with the Clutters. She goes to the door knocks, but no one answers. Nancy Ewalt tries all of doors, but no one answers. Nancy Ewalt is with her father, together they decide to go to Susan Kidwell to see if she knows anything. Susan does not know anything and thinks it’s strange that the Clutters would not answer their door. The Clutters would never miss church. Together, Nancy Ewalt, her father, and Susan Kidwell, decide to go into the Clutter house and find out what is going on. They enter the kitchen first. They notice that there are no dishes and a girl’s purse on the ground. They go to the phone and notice that the cord had been cut. Nancy Ewalt decides to go to Nancy’s room first. Nancy screams and runs out of the house to her father. Her father than goes inside to check it out. He finds the Clutters dead. Nancy and Bonnie both in their beds. Kenyon is one the couch in the basement and Herb in the furnace room. Mr. Ewalt calls the cops and an ambulance to take care of everything. After a few days some of Herb’s best friends come to clean the house. They burn the sheets with blood and clean all the
On the other side of the state Perry Smith and Dick Hickock meet. Dick is athletic but small; Perry has a muscular upper body but his legs are badly damaged from an accident. They meet up on the opposite side of Kansas and drive to Holcomb together. On their way to Holcomb they stop at a store to buy gloves and rope. Perry suggests buying stocking to cover their face. Dick reminds him that there will be no witnesses so there is no need to hide their faces. After driving for a while they stop at a gas station to fill up and stretch. Perry’s legs are starting to bother him. After the gas station they pull into the Clutter’s house. Once they are done at the Clutter’s they drive back to the opposite of the state. Perry went to a hotel and slept while Dick returned to his family, ate dinner, then fell asleep.