Hassan Younies[1]
Assistant Professor
College of Business and Economics
United Arab Emirate University
Belal Barhem
Assistant Professor
College of Business Administration
Abu Dhabi University
Pamela C. Smith
Associate Professor
College of Business
University of Texas at San Antonio
Abstract: This paper investigates the views of healthcare providers on continuous medical education (CME).A six-part questionnaire with 28 questions covering these issues was designed to investigate the views of CME in UAE. A five-point Likert scale was used for the answers, ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). In addition, respondents were asked to give an overall rating of CME, showing one of four levels of satisfaction, from 1 (excellent) to 4 (poor). 147 respondents from Healthcare providers in the UAE Participated in the study. Participants agreed on the importance of CME to professional development. However, organizational support is needed for healthcare workers
Keyword: UAE, CME
Introduction This era in history is characterized by continuing advances in technology and breakthroughs in all fields of science. The field of medical science is no exception, with new medicines, medical procedures and technologies being introduced to the benefit of humanity. Medical practitioners need to keep their knowledge updated after their formal education at medical school. Governments in different parts of the world set criteria and incentives for medical practitioners to attend continuing formal programmes of medical education 1. Peck et al. reviewed the continuing medical education in the Western hemisphere, mainly in the UK, Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. However, little research exists investigating continuing medical education (CME) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Prior studies have provided an overview of CME in other Middle Eastern countries, such as
References: International Monetary Fund. (2007). “IMF Executive Board Concludes 2007 Article IV Consultation with the United Arab Emirates”, Public Information Notice No. 07/125. Available at: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pn/2007/pn07125.htm Al Mosawi, A.J Gunes, E.D., Yaman, H. Transition to Family Practice in Turkey. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 2008, 28 (2): 106-112. Kuhne-Eversmann, L., Eversmann, T., Fischer, M.R. Team- and Case-Based Learning to Activate Participants and Enhance Knowledge: An Evaluation of Seminars in Germany. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 2008, 28 (3): 165-171.