a) First-line supervisor (Concept)
b) Line management (Concept)
c) Employee morale (Construct)
d) Leadership (Construct)
e) Assembly line (Concept)
f) Union democracy (Construct)
g) Overdue account (Concept)
h) Ethical standards (Construct)
2. An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its brand increasing as per capita income increases. Sales increases also follow low interest rates, which ease credit conditions. Buyer purchase behavior is seen to be dependent on age and gender. Other factors influencing sales appear to fluctuate almost randomly (competitor advertising, competitor dealer discounts, introductions of new competitive models).
a) If sales and per capita income are positively related, classify all variables as dependent, independent, moderating, or intervening.
Dependent variable (DV), Independent variable (IV), Moderating variable (MV), Intervening (IVV)
Car Brand(DV), Per Capita Income(IV), Car Sales(DV), Low Interest Rate(MV), Buyer’s Age(IVV), Gender(IVV), Competitor Advertising(MV), Competitor Dealer Discount(MV), Introduction of Competitor models(MV)
b) Comment on the utility of a model based on the hypothesis.
Dependent Variable (DV) such as car’s brand and sales are depend directly on the per capita income (IV). Moderate variable (MV) such as low interest rate, competitor advertising, competitor model and competitor discount are believed to have significant contribute to the IV-DV relationship. Buyer’s age and gender are intervening variables (IVV) where these variables can be affect the relationship in some way theoretically.
3. Your task is to interview a representative sample of attendees for the large concert venue where you work. The new season schedule includes 200 live concerts