Co-ordination is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a hidden force which binds all the other functions of management. According to Mooney and Reelay, “Co-ordination is orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals”. According to Charles Worth, “Co-ordination is the integration of several parts into an orderly hole to achieve the purpose of understanding”.
3.Nature /features of coordination (1)
Coordination integrates group efforts- Coordination applies to group efforts. It unifies diverse interests into purposeful work activity.
Coordination ensures unity of action. It acts as binding force between the departments and ensures that all action is aimed at achieving goals of the organization.
Coordination is a continuous process.It begins at the planning stage and continues till controlling,It is not a one time function but a continuous process.
Coordination is an all-pervasive function. It is required at all levels of management and in all departments due to the interdependent nature of activities of various departments.
Coordination is the responsibility of all managers-It is the duty of all managers to direct the efforts of all persons to a common goal.
Coordination is a deliberate function- A manager has to coordinate the efforts of different people in a conscious and deliberate manner.
4.Elements of coordination.(1) 1.Integration. It means all the diverse and unrelated interests of various groups and individuals should be integratedtogether so as to complete the work efficiently and effectively.
2.Balancing. There should be proper balancing between various activities ofProduction, Purchase, finance and Marketing so that coordination should supplement the activity of each department by the other departments.
3. Timing. It means scheduling of all the