The aim of this report is to investigate Long Reef and Collaroy Beach’s coastal management.
Sand Dunes
The Importance of Vegetation
Sand dunes are a valid indication of the quality of the soil and the surrounding ocean. When vegetation is established in sand dunes, it stabilises it- i.e. gives the dunes structure. This structure helps prevent erosion by using the plant life to trap the sand. Without these plants (and ultimately the sand dunes) sand will be subject to many natural forces without protection, meaning any major storm could theoretically remove large amounts of sand from the beach with no natural means of replenishing it. Long Reef Beach is commendable in the amount of vegetation it has produced. Because of this the area will not be prone to dangerous levels of erosion. However, Collaroy Beach had very little vegetation and smaller sand dunes. As no definitive structure is given to the dunes at Collaroy Beach it is much more prone to erosion than Long Reef Beach. The buildings found on the edge of Collaroy Beach would benefit from structured sand dunes as they will not be as prone to storm damage and other weather forces.
The Formation of Sand Dunes
Sand dunes provide a means of protecting the land behind it from various oceanic processes, i.e. wave and wind formations. Therefore it is important for sand dunes to be found on coastlines. Both wind and water are essential processes in the formation of these dunes, referred to as Aeolian and hydro spherics respectively. Sand is carried via the ocean and is washed up on coasts, whilst longshore drift further moves and deposits this sand in various areas. This process describes the formation of sand dunes. Wind further carries the sand up inclines, increasing the area of the dunes. Without these sand dunes, it would be the land being eroded and continuously fighting the Aeolian and hydro spherics forces, instead of the sand. At Collaroy Beach, the many buildings in the area
Bibliography: Zuylen Sue Van, Trethewy Glyn, McIsaac (2007) Geography Focus Stage Five 2 Pearson Education Australia, Melbourne Author Not Identified, ‘Case 7’ [online] available (accessed on 25/8/08) Author Not Identified, ‘Coasts and Marine’ [online] available last modified 2006-11-03 (accessed on 25/8/08)