Submission to Local Network
Coca-Cola - Global Compact Submission
This letter provides our recommendations for the Local Network in order to support Coca-Cola to comply with the ten principle of UN Global Compact; in particular, Principle 9-“business should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies”; and principle 10- “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”. (The Ten Principles. Accessed 30/04/13.) In fact, the two principles are not only for the Coca-Cola Company, but also all the other companies as well. We truly believe that these two principles should be the main issue to the Local Network.
As a UNGC LEAD member, we played a positive role in the UN-Business Partnerships Task Force. And we also signed the Global compact in October 2009. As a qualified corporate citizen, we believe that our recommendation could awake environmental awareness of other companies and help them achieve their goals. Also, we could share relevant experience on the sustainability of environment in Australasian Local Network. Although we are not performing the most environmental organization in the Local Network, we firmly wish we could alleviate the destruction of environment. To be a responsible citizen, we try our best to comply with the two principles of UN Global Compact. Providing Natural resources maintenance and sustainable approaches to our stakeholders are our duty.
Plant green bottle is a major technological invention of the Coca-Cola Company, which reduces the need for traditional oil dependence, and it may not rely on renewable resources. This green reflected in- containing 30% renewable plant materials and 100% recyclable PET plastic bottles.(Coca-Cola:Financial News. 2013.) The production of this technology started at the end of 2009 and brought considerable environmental effects in the world in recent years.