In the 1960s, a species of baitfish called alewife invaded the Great Lakes and started to die off by the millions due to overpopulation. In 1967, the DNR began planting Chinook Salmon, a prolific open water predator, to control the alewife population. In the process, the DNR created one of the best sport fisheries in the world. A fishery capable of bringing billions of dollars a year to the Michigan economy. In recent years the alewife population declined with the last three years being the lowest on record. The DNR had to act fast in order to avoid having the fishery crash, like if did in Lake Huron. The DNR reduced the Chinook Salmon stockings. Reasons the DNR did the right thing is; the alewives will hopefully rebound, Chinook Salmon are not as useful to the lake as other species, and there will be more food for other game fish.…