For the women it’s embarrassing to act out her stigmatized but the only thing people see is her stigma so she has no choice but to go along with it even if she educated and have one hundred degree that does not matter the stigma is what “the normals” see. Act out being a dwarf or be dismiss out of “the normals” presents. Demineralization or normification states that they should have a distaste for those of his fellows who, without actually making a secret of their stigma, engage in careful covering, being very careful to show that in spite of appearance they are very sane, very generous, and very sober etc (Goffman p 110).Deminstrelization or normification mains are that the stigmatized person should their place don’t push “the normals” for acceptance that they don’t want to give. The normals may say they don’t have a problem with anyone that is different from them but when the time comes for them to put their money where their mouth is they start to back off and make excuses. For example due to society standards a women should become wife and stay at home mother who takes of her children and husband which, is a degrading in …show more content…
A woman you will always be stigmatized for wanting to be on a higher level in life or even in a job because a women should not speak unless spoken too they much stay in their corner and shut up. If a women try to stand up for herself “the normals” will think that the world is coming to an end if a women dare show any authority to “the normal” a women should stay in a woman's place and let the man do the work. No passing is where the stigmatized person is warned against attempting to pass completely. The stigmatized person see themselves has been norman human beings but the normals see them as