Standards and Procedures
This ethics code was made to clearly identify the expectations of our employees and provide guidance by setting common ethical standards all of us must adhere to on a consistent basis. These actions and values will help guide us in today’s competitive business environment.
· Employees will always display professionalism and integrity while at work and treat each other and clients with civility.
· Employees will always act honestly. Honesty encourages open communication between the company and our employees and between employees and co-workers.
· We expect our employees to lead by example. This improves personal awareness, sensitivity to others and accountability, which are all necessary for ethical behavior and integrity.
· Unprofessional activities are strictly prohibited, such as but not limited to, swearing, fighting, gambling or drinking.
· Employees must not engage in sexual harassment, or conduct themselves in a way that could be construed as such. Harassment can be sexual or non-sexual in nature. Sexual harassment may include: unwanted advances, inappropriate touching, sexually suggestive comments or jokes, requests for sexual favors, or inappropriate comments about another’s appearance. Non-sexual harassment may include: offensive comments, jokes or pictures related to race, religion, ethnicity, gender or age.
Conflicts of Interest Conflicts can occur when your personal, financial, social or political interests or investments could affect or appear to affect your decision making on behalf of HCS, or where your objectivity could be questioned because of these interests or activities. It is important to note that conflicts of interest may be reason for termination.
· HCS expects that employees will perform their duties conscientiously, honestly, and in accordance with the best interests of our company.
· Employees must not use their positions, or the