the needs of the learner?
There are many different views regarding what Professionalism is.
As stated by Tummons (2007) ‘a profession is defined through a commitment to a
specialised knowledge base. Requiring knowledge within theories, within their
profession. Such as workers whom provide a service to others’.
Bridges (2007 ) suggests professionalism means ‘a combination of responsibility in
relationships with clients, an acceptance of responsibility and accountability within a
code of conduct, commitment to high standards and providing practice informed by
Evans (2011) states ‘ Professional standards must be met …show more content…
Therefore my rationale for developing a poster presentation on active learning
methods, is to identify these methods and how they fit with in learners preferred
learning styles, whilst achieving the desired qualification and adhering to my code of
I began through researching various learning methods used within the teaching
profession. I carried out research through internet searching, as well as utilising the e-
library resources researching journals. Methods such as cooperative learning, which
includes group sessions and one to one sessions, lecture by the teacher, through the
use of power point. A classroom discussion, which is conducted by the teacher
alongside student input on opinions, with in the topic. The development of the
classroom environment, whereby areas within self directed learning, independent
learning and critical, creative thinking can be enhanced. The use of recitation through
oral questioning either with in tutorial sessions and reviews or debate scenarios.
To in co-operate research to the assessment methods which I am required to carry