Professionalism A soldier is measured by his ability to do his job successfully, tactfully, and professionally. Being a professional at everything you do will help you succeed in every aspect of your life. The definition of professionalism as by Merriam-Webster is the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person. Being in the army as soldiers we consider ourselves professionals. How we hold ourselves to the army values and the soldiers creed shows how professional we are. We can consider ourselves professionals because we live by the soldiers creed, the army values, and our uniformity.
"I will always maintain my equipment and myself, I am an expert and a professional." Those two lines are from the soldiers creed. As soldiers we were instilled with this creed and were trained to follow this creed to the fullest of our abilities. From E-1 all the way to O-9 we follow the creed with everything we have. By living, breathing, and forming us around this in basic training we become professionals as a soldier. Then in Advanced Individual Training they teach us to be professionals in our MOS. Such as being an ordnance soldier in our creed "I will be tactically and technically proficient." Being under an ordnance MOS we live and breath that creed also with the soldiers creed.
Loyatly, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, personal courage. The army values that hold the army together from the very core. The army values is the foundation of professionalism. Loyatly to your job is professional to the job on the fast that your boss can then count on you to be on time and trust you. In the army it shows your sergeants that you can be trusted with tasks and they know you'll do your job. Integrity shows you will not take and you will always do what is right no matter the situation you are in. Personal courage is a main building block to