Coffee has become a huge consumption in the world today. There is so many different things that coffee has done in the world today. There are many different situations where coffee is very important in the world. One example can be seen is from the people in Ethiopia where there is a huge dependence of harvesting coffee beans and the fact that it is Ethiopia’s major exports that they have. Another example that can be seen is in North America where the majority of people would drink coffee as a stimulant to keep them awake throughout the day. Coffee is a very popular drink in many of the developed countries. As you consider to what is coffee, we can definitely see the importance of coffee, but what exactly is coffee. Well, coffee is a drink that a majority of people drink, it comes with a number of different aromas and flavors. This in itself makes coffee very unique as it been around for over a 100 years yet it is still one of the most consumed drink in the world.
II. Description
What is coffee? Coffee is a drink that has been drunk as early as the sixteenth century. Cowan Brian quotes from Rauwolf who describes coffee, “as black as ink”. (Cowan Brian, 2005a, p.17) The drink is bitter in taste and has a wide variety of aromas and flavors. Coffee is brew from coffee beans which is grown on over 70 countries. Usually grown in countries that is close to the equator. The drink, coffee has become very popular amongst many of the developed countries. Many of the countries that harvests coffee beans, relies on the harvest of beans a lot because many of these countries relies heavily on the exports of coffee to generate revenue. This results into having different aspects and views on coffee as a whole.
III. Local Analysis
Coffee is a major consumption is many developed countries. In the USA and Canada alone there is a 52% of Americans and 62% of Canadians that drink coffee daily. (Elliot Charlene, 2001, p.370) This is a huge