sleep on school nights”(Nefer 2), therefore coffee is helpful because it will wake them up in a short amount of time. Additionally, all teens usually “stay up late and feel tired the next day”(Inform 6), and this can lead to a struggle to pay attention in class. Even a little of coffee can wake a teen up, and they can grow to have a better attention span. Lastly, teenagers are intended to be happy, and coffee can “provide desirable effects like energy and wakefulness for [them]”(Nefer 2). This will keep them happy, energized, and ready for the usual long day ahead of them. Overall, drinking coffee can energize teens before school, making them more attentive throughout the school day. Continuing on, teenagers should be able to drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages because decaffeinated coffee and other drinks are available and more healthy for children. Decaffeinated coffee can have the same effect in waking up teens, and it can “Keep their consumption at a healthy level”(Nefer 4), which will result in healthier body and awake mind. Additionally, coffee is safer for teens rather than things teens may turn to such as energy drinks (Inform 6) because they can cause unhealthy problems and long term effects, while coffee may only result in short term ones. Lastly, energy drinks can bring teens from energy highs to lows and that will result in “falling asleep during school and other daytime activities”(Nefer 4), whereas coffee does not have this effect, therefore it is the healthier option. Overall, the option to give teens decaffeinated coffee and other healthier options will result in the same attentiveness, and it will not lead to long term effects for both teens and students. Lastly, teens should be able to drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages because if taken in moderation, caffeine is harmless.
Although it is shown that drinking coffee can “increase anxiety levels in children aged five to 12 years”(Nefer 4), teenagers can have more intake due to growth and age, and teenagers nor children will drink as much as it will take to cause these issues. Additionally, it is said that “Teens can also benefit from indulging in coffee responsibly”(Inform 1), because they can become energized, become happier, and overall a better person than who they woke up feeling like. Lastly, the bad outcomes of coffee are deniable, for they will not occur in all teenagers or kids even because “Caffeine is generally safe and provides desirable effects”(Nefer 2). Overall, teenagers should be able to drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages because as shown above, if drinken responsibly and in moderation, it is completely
harmless. Teenagers should be able to drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages because students and teens can become more attentive, decaffeinated coffee and other drinks are available and more healthy for children, and if enjoyed in moderation, it is harmless. Just like anything in life, moderation is better, and the same thing goes for coffee, for it shouldn’t be unavailable to children if it helps them feel energized and wake up. The nex time you have a cup of coffee, ask yourself, should I be allowed to drink this? Yes!