Print ISSN 1843-5254; Electronic ISSN 1843-5394
Research Concerning the Behaviour of the Coffee Consumer
Elena PET1), Tiberiu IANCU1), Corina Ruset1), Anda MILIN1), Genoveva BUZAMAT1),
Nicoleta BUZILA2)
Faculty of Farm Management, Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine Timisoara, 119 Calea Aradului, Timisoara; Romania;
) Faculty Economics Science, University Tibiscus Timisoara, 1/A Daliei St., Timisoara,
Abstract. The coffee market is a dynamic market due to the numerous mades, to the wide range of assortments and to the high number of people that are more and more sophisticated. There has been lately a trend toward pre-packaged coffee, i.e. towards high quality produce and to larger weight coffee packages. Despite the high price of the coffee, Romanians drink more and more coffee. The leading assortment is ground coffee followed by soluble coffee.
Keywords: needs, aspirations, demand, offer, consumption, behaviour, market
Marketing research is not an exact science, and it is not an exact science either. It is about working with people, with their ever-changing needs and desires under the impact of hundreds of factors that are more or less known. Market analysis shows what people wish to purchase, to consume, or to use. As a rule, this means something different from what companies want us to believe, to produce and to sell. It is not enough to must study people’s needs; we should also know people’s desires and aspirations. The main component of marketing research is the study of consumer behaviour.
The research of consumer behaviour concerns different attitudes in the process of buying decision (e.g. people’s attitude towards information, the choice of the purchase place, fidelity towards the made, getting aware of the price, knowing consumer’s difficult nature, etc.). Consumer behaviour is a complex phenomenon and,
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