Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation by German Zaripov
Business plan coffee «COFFEE-TIME»
1. Summary of coffee
2. Characteristics of the industry and type of activities
3. Description of products
4. Competitor analysis
5. The marketing plan
6. Production plan
7. Organizational Plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Break-even analysis
Restaurants in Spain is one of the riskiest - high costs, competition, taxes. Catering to the admission of restaurateurs, this business - one of the most attractive. The high dynamics of the restaurant market, like other consumer markets, is associated with growth in income, with the development of cultural visits to restaurants. The population of Spain used to the fact that "do not go to restaurants only on holidays, but just to have breakfast." The most important, and sometimes the determining factor in the future success of the project, is the location of the room in which there will be a restaurant, and the restaurant is also the target audience.
1. Summary of coffee
Coffee is supposed to rent a room size of 100 square meters in city centre of Barcelona. This location is very convenient next too one of the largest shopping centers, located near office buildings, which is visited by hundreds of people.
For the organization of the project will take five years, or business plan is calculated for 5 years. Strong leadership in the successful development of cases based on a large number of potential buyers, which are destined for the company. The skill level of the company specialists will provide good customer service.
Café will be the main visitors buyers visiting shopping centers and office workers - the people of middle and high income, shop and breaks during the working day.
The cozy interior, friendly staff and delicious coffee will create a beautiful, unforgettable atmosphere and will, by the