CBT was developed by Aaron Beck in the late 1950s and early 60s. As he was testing the psychoanalytic concept, he recognized a pattern of “automatic” negative thoughts within his patient’s. He then guided his patients to …show more content…
Guided Discovery entails eliciting the patients’ cognitions. In treatment, a therapist will determine which cognition (thoughts, images and beliefs) is most distressing to the patient. After determining which cognition is contributing to the distressing state of mind, a series of questions are asked to help the patient perceive their cognitions as ideas instead of facts. Then, the therapist will help evaluate the validity of their cognitions and reduce their fears.
5. Cognitive conceptualization offers the framework for understanding a patient. To begin, the therapist will ask themselves a series of questions that involve understanding the depth of the problem. Then, they will hypothesize how the patient developed their specific psychological disorder. The therapist constructs a cognitive conceptualization during the first contact with the patient, but continues to improve their conceptualization throughout treatment. The process of cognitive conceptualization is significantly important because it guides the therapist in articulating the most efficient and effective