Facts of science and cognition have always attracted people’s attention and have been the topic of various approaches. The effects of learning and getting knowledge and reaching the conscious mind constitute the subjects of psychology. There are two approximations in modern cognition. One of these important cognitions is knowledge processing. The purpose in this approximation is to explain the processes of thinking and reasoning. It is designed and handled as a developed computer system to reach knowledge in the mind, commit and storage the data to use in other fields when it’s needed. Moreover, there is one more approximation, which depends on the studies of Jean Piaget. Piaget, who is known with her studies in the field of Developmental Psychology, considered that a child goes through some intellectual and developmental phases. Piaget stated four phases in the time of a child’s growth. The opinions and concepts of Jean Piaget brought along some differences in the percept of education. The assimilation of some theories depends on the fulfillment of some stages in the mental development. The duty of a teacher is not just transferring knowledge to the learners, but also guide them to explore the world. The American scholar and psychologist, Jerame S.Bruner, played an important role in his studies of the learning processes in little children and types of cognition as learning. Bruner’s studies helped the lesson schedules with new rearrangements. According to Bruner; there is an interest to various subjects and curiosity in almost every children. If the knowledge is given to children properly, it is possible to teach everything to the children and it does not matter in which phase of development the children are.
According to many people, memory is like a bookshelf and knowledge is like books that we put our knowledge in the shelves of our memory. However, our memories of the realities and events become hard to remember in time. Beside that, our