An everyday common analogy is a for a person’s memory to be referred to a file cabinet. In the analogy, that the mind is like a file cabinet, it refers to memories being filed away in a file cabinet and then pulled out when use. Once the person is done with the memory it is filed once again back into the file cabinet. Enteral Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tells the story of a couple who has an ambiguous relationship and only sees the worst side of their relationship. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tells the story of Joel Bearish (Jim Carey) and Clementine Kruczynski’s (Kate Winslet) fiery, yet often painfully incompatible love romance. Clementine chose to have Joel erased from her memory, because of discordant relationship. Upon Joel finding out this information he was devastated and in return he went to the inventor of the mind eraser, to have his own memories erased due to his hurt and vulnerability. Although Joel has chosen this procedure on his own free will, he struggled with letting go of his one and only true love, so he managed to hide Clementine in remote parts of his subconscious during the process of removing his memories. As the film progresses Joel and Clementine find themselves together traveling to the same destination. However, they do not realize it at the time, that they are indeed former lovers, now separated. They only knew that they felt a strong connection …show more content…
In this analytical essay that I have explored, revealed the relations between the two films, “Memory Hackers” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and additionally I brought to light, that both films portray the thought that memory is not what we once thought it was, the memory can be manipulated or erased, therefore we must bring to bear the importance and watchfulness of mind altering procedures or rituals. As both of these films portray the great need to proceed with prudence while moving forward with any memory deviations, because of the function it plays in a person’s self and ones answerability to one’s self and also others. For example, one could find themselves having their mind altered and being convinced you have committed a crime, when you have done no such thing, according to the methods of Julia Shaw( PBS Public Broadcasting Service,