Fact: assault and battery was committed
Issue: does the least amount of touching satisfy assault and battery?
Decision: yes
Rule of Law: the least touching of another in anger is a battery.
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1 The employees at Sigtek were so receptive to the total quality program at first because they saw it as a chance to change things to help their work environment. It gave the employees a platform to bring problems within their jobs to the management that previously they may not have because they thought they were either going to be ignored or management may see the employees as problems that could be expendable. Employees were actually starting to come into work with checklists of examples of how things in their departments weren’t correlating with what the total quality program was preaching. The employees were also coming up with their own ideas on how these problems could be fixed; which was something that John Smithers was really excited about because it showed that the employees were really passionate about the new program. Something that concerned Smithers however was that his low level employees, some have not even completed high school, were understanding the concept of the total quality program but the higher level management employees could not comprehend the concepts. Smithers said when referring to the low level employees “for them what it came down to was just common sense and treating people right.” He also went on to say that if he could have left the company then and there with the majority of those line workers and started his own company that they would have been in good shape.