2. Collaborative Culture – I rated this PLC Characteristic as not observed because our teachers do not engage in-depth collaboration. The principal has good intentions as it relates to creating a collaborative culture, but he often gets bogged down in his office with disciplinary referrals.
3. Collective Inquiry – I rated this PLC Characteristic as not observed because I have not seen any evidence that our teachers work together to find new strategies to address problems at our school. I also do not think the principal take the appropriate time to evaluate new information with fidelity.
4. Action Orientation – I rated this PLC Characteristic as emerging because I believe our teachers are willing to try new strategies. The problem is they do not engage in this practice enough.
5. Commitment to Continuous Improvement – I rated this PLC …show more content…
Effective planning provides extra time, prepares leaders and subordinates to address challenges, grants collaboration and engagement among team members, and fosters trust. In addition, planning assist in building a positive school culture and creates buy-in from the teachers. Effective planning also promotes growth as professional learning communities by giving school leaders and teachers an opportunity to build on areas of strengthens and identify areas that need improvement. Planning enables teams to prepare a sequence of action steps to achieve a specific goal. In the end, effective planning allows everyone a chance to grow and develop as experts in their respective