A collage is a visual representation of ideas, emotions and understanding in response to a specific topic, concept, situation or issue. Although a collage may include some words, it is usually composed of a variety of visual materials such as photographs, magazine pictures and scraps of cloth and paper.
Criteria for Creating and Assessing a Collage
The topic, theme or message of the collage is extremely clear.
The topic, theme or message of the collage is clear.
The topic, theme or message of the collage is muddled.
The topic, theme or message of the collage is confusing.
Choice of Visuals
The selected visuals and material thoroughly enhance understanding of the topic, theme, or message.
The selected visuals and material proficiently enhance understanding of the topic, theme, or message.
The selected visuals and material muddle the understanding of the topic, theme, or message.
The selected visuals and material do not bring understanding of the topic, theme, or message.
Visual arrangement
The visuals are expertly arranged to direct the viewer's eye in a way that matches the student's intent.
The visuals are proficiently arranged to direct the viewer's eye in a way that matches the student's intent.
The visuals are not always arranged to direct the viewer's eye in a way that matches the student's intent.
The visuals are not arranged to direct the viewer's eye in a way that matches the student's intent.
The style of collage is extremely appropriate for the topic, theme or message.
The style of collage is proficiently appropriate for the topic, theme or message.
The style of collage is somewhat appropriate for the topic, theme or message.
The style of collage is not appropriate for the topic, theme or message.
The collage includes graphic details.
The collage includes proficient details.
The collage includes adequate but sometimes muddled details.
The collage does not