Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?
Ring!Ring!Ring! It's 4 a.m. "Get up Drew! Breakfast is on the table. Go eat and get ready and make sure your bags packed with everything you need. We need to leave
"Yeah, yes, ok I'm going," I respond to my mom as she barks orders for me to
"expedite" as she would say. You see, I knew where we were going and how long it would take to get there, but my emotions hadn't sunk in yet, because, I go to Jamaica every year with my family, sometimes more than once. So, I board the airplane at
Tampa International for Fort Lauderdale, the first leg of our flight. The flight attendant shut the cabin door and it's official. I am on vacation and we are headed to Jamaica!
By the time we arrive in Fort Lauderdale, my excitement is so palpable, that my mom smiles at me as if she knows what I'm thinking. We board the next airplane and about an hour later, the best news all morning is announced by the captain... "Ladies and gentlemen prepare for landing." At the mere utterance of that line, my disposition
changes instantaneously. My whole persona changes, my mood, my language, my expressions change, because now I am "home" and I am relaxed and comfortable.
Whenever I get to Jamaica I always enjoy the fact I can unwind and not be so uptight and proper. I feel free. Free to say as I please, laugh out loud, have fun, chat
Jamaican and just wallow in the beauty of my people, my culture and my country. In
Jamaica, I am not concerned about the stigmas and stereotypes so many people apply to me here in America such as "all Jamaicans smoke weed..." I don't, or "you're black and you don't play football or basketball..." I prefer tennis and academics. I don't have to change the way I speak, or slow down so that I may be understood clearly by my peers and elders; rather I can express myself more