Never would I have thought that I would be writing my college essay in a hospital bed, Sitting in the same room that ruined me just to relieve me of the crippling demon that followed me since birth. Overwhelming emotions held my heart hostage for seven months, but today they finally get released.
Despite having a disability, I've always foreseen a better life for myself.From a young age, education has always been important to me. Being in school gave me a sense satisfaction and accomplishment. Even with regularly missing school because of unpredictable …show more content…
Life went on without me, I felt paralyzed confined to my bed; Although I knew It was for a good cause, I couldn't help feeling useless. Being unproductive and incapable of moving submerged me with despair. My mind drifted to my previous school years, where I would be hospitalized for a short period and then returned to school and caught up quickly. All I could think was this school year is going to be different, I didn't believe that I could overcome it this time.
For the first time in my life, I felt derailed, my life began to fall off course, and I didn't know how to get it back on track. Never would I have predicted that I'd spend half my senior year restricted to bed. I gave up on schooling and accepted defeat. Thinking there was no way for me to catch up now. While thinking I wasn't living to my full potential, I felt like a failure.
I let my anxiety seize and pull me into an inevitable sea of depression. I gave up on myself and my abilities, criticizing myself for the unfortunate year that I had. I didn't think that I would be able to see the bright side of the situation. Until a conversation with my mom where she was trying exempt me from School. Having the people who I admired the most lose faith in me pushed me, to look into my future and remember my goals. The feeling of determination overwhelmed me, I didn't want to accept that my illness stopped me from being an average person, but maybe It did, maybe I did have restrictions on my life, and that's something I had to