However, this time I wanted to host an event that was more meaningful than watching contestants imbibe gross substances. I wanted to add a deeper meaning and cause the contestants and audience to reflect on the fears that held them back. However, my student government class that it would be unscrupulous to change the event because it was a tradition. I knew that I wanted to do something different but was scared to act because of the dubiety of my peers. However, I knew the event needed to be meaningful and this was an opportunity to affect the culture of my high school. Thus as the chair for the event, I redesigned the landscape. Contestants that signed up were asked to fill out a survey of questions that highlighted specific fears. Then on the stage we asked them to depict a fear in a picture and their partner had to guess what it represented. The event was entertaining as many contestants had witty remarks; however, on a profounder level it caused the contestants to really think about the things they had allowed to inhibit their individual growth. This event has been added to the new tradition at my high school.
I am proud of this accomplishment because I almost allowed people to discourage me from doing something that could be beneficial because they didn't want to change the tradition. Some traditions can be changed for the better. I am a self motivated student who seeks to make a real difference