It might seem risky to pay very much for college education for some people, however the career potential of those experienced higher education is usually deemed higher than those without it. Taking a heavy debt to go for higher education may unreasonable to some people, but it is a choice of what kind of future career one is looking for. If one wants to climb on to the highest position in a company’s hierarchy, investment in higher education would benefit one in a long run. Moreover, higher education improves an individual's quality of life. Studies show that, compared to high school graduates, college graduates have longer life spans, better access to health care, better dietary and health practices, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction, less dependency on government assistance, greater knowledge of government, greater community service and leadership, more volunteer work, more self-confidence, and less criminal activity and incarceration. Therefore, it is a personal choice of future, it is difficult to bear the expense, but for those who choose to fight the difficulties, distinguished future…