As a matter of fact, one with a part-time job in college will obtain organization and multi-tasking skills, which are vital to have in college. Being organized helps a cluttered mind breathe. When it comes to the college life partying is the first thing that usually pops into peoples mind. All of the partying will easily make one venture off track but in order to stay on top of the game multi-tasking must come into play. It is all about balance. Going to work before, after or between classes will keep one running and no one can move freely with a messy area. Having a job could improve the neatness of ones overall aura. Most importantly, one of the main reasons young people get jobs, is to help with responsibility. It will better ones sense of time and realize the essence of it.
Of course it is great to earn money for oneself and obtain vital skills, but the whole reason one attends college is to