With every passing day the cost of living is constantly rising, including the cost of college education. Which leads to the question, is college really worth the cost? Many college students graduate from college and find their selves obtaining a degree that almost seems worthless, because of the debt they accumulated while obtaining the degree. Although situations as the one described do occur, college is still very beneficial in many ways. Attending college is not just for the experience or for fun. Attending college is investing in the future and overall creating a more successful and abundant life, if wanted. Unemployment is and has been an issue for many years now. Attending college can improve the chances of not …show more content…
Attending college allows people to meet other people of different ethnicity and backgrounds, which can open many doors for the future. Meeting people of different ethnicity and backgrounds also helps people take interest in other hobbies and learn how to deal with people from different cultures, which they may have never meet before. Gaining skills and knowledge in college are something that can be carried through the rest of someone’s life. The best thing about gaining knowledge and skills, is that no one can take them away. Gaining skills and knowledge also helps when it comes to working in the field of the degree obtained while in college. Some people have no clue what they want to do with the rest of their life until they attend college. That’s the amazing thing about college, that it can help people discover what they are destined to become or do. Most colleges offer a variety of classes from A to Z. While taking core classes people may take interest in area of study and discover that that’s what they plan to get a degree