"normal" for me as a child. From watching my dad and stepmom argue, to seeing a blunt being made right in front of me.The room was thick with smoke, the strong smell of weed ,smelled as if a skunk released fumes in the air, my dad’s eyes were bloodshot red as if he just had woken up. My dad showed no fear, nor was unashamed of everything that was being revealed to me, in front of my very own eyes. Little did he know how much it would effect me as I grew up.
While growing up I never really had a close relationship with my dad. In fact, I didn’t really have a close relationship with anyone other than my mom.If you weren't my mom, I didn’t trust you. I didn't want to have anything to do with you just because I felt that If I let you inside my life, that you would hurt me just like my dad had done to my stepmom.I had a broken heart so therefore I became cold towards those around. I had stayed with my mom most of the time,so once she got married we moved to Southern California, leaving the relationship between my dad and I, more torn apart than before.
I would always go visit my dad, and his family every time I had school break. The relationship I had with my dad when I went to visit, was as if he was some family friend of mine.I didn’t really know him.I would always be quiet around him. Whenever I needed something or wanted to go do a particular thing I would always have my younger sisters ask him for me.I was simply just afraid of my dad.As I would visit, I would watch him do the same things every single day as if it was a written routine.Wake up, go to