Many families and students incur enormous debt to jump through the increasing required college “hoop”. Today colleges are too expensive to attend for most students.
Over 60 colleges and universities in the country charge over 50,000 dollars a year for tuition. With a family of 3 like mine there would be no way for my family to send us all to colleges.
Yes colleges had state budget cuts. Which prompted many public colleges to raise tuition and the need to improve their academic standers that began to recruit faculty was large. But currently the schools cerate 14-week semesters. That means classroom sit idle half the year. By increasing the 14-week academic sessions from two to three the classrooms will be used most and affectingly and drop the coast of faculty workers. Also colleges have to keep up with the fast growing technology and to do that money needs to be invested. To help the colleges lower their tuition they should get a discount granted to them by their technology provider due to the amount of use the colleges proved them.
Colleges are a main step in life to become successful in the world we live in today. How are big families going to send their children to college with the tuition rats so high, they can’t? Most people say children need to do better in school and earn and scholarship. But the amount for scholarships granted has dropped. In 2010 25% of scholarships were lost or granted to the children that needed them. Also scholarships are given to the most advance kids or the less fountent kids but what about the kids in the middle. Are they supposed to fin for their self?
So how people are suppose to pay for the growing rate of college’s tuition for their children? Even though there is money needed to be invested by the colleges there are ways around that sated in this paper. Colleges are two expensive. So let me ask you this, are you going to be able to pay for your college tuition?