
Colloquium: Improving My Learning Experiences

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Colloquium: Improving My Learning Experiences
The colloquium that I went was Meeting the Psychology Faculty and discover how Psychology Research can improve your Learning on September 24, 2015. It was an amazing experience because the faculty members provide a warm welcome to new students at St. Catherine University. The faculty members introduce themselves with the professional manner and it inspires me to see how brightly they were they talked about themselves. The two professors who presented the presentation were Arturo Sesma, Jr, Ph.D. and Jamie J. Peterson. The main topics that were discussed were how spacing work, testing work and laptop use in the classroom. Based on the presentation, spacing help students reveals material they forgot. Having longer interval between study sessions can help students improve their memories. Like spacing, testing help, students discover what they do not know and how they can redirect their studies. By practice, testing students …show more content…
Although the laptop is a good tool for learning, it can also distract other students in the classroom. Based on the presentation, students who use laptop would likely spend time multitasking and distracts other students from learning. It also states that people who multitasking can affect other students to be distracted and unfocused on the study or taking notes. Students who use laptop would likely type the same thing the teacher says and would likely take more note. In contrary, students who take notes by hand would likely use their own words and process the note they were taking. Thus, students who use laptop do not process their note deeply as hand note takers. As results, they would likely do poorly on a quiz or a test.
The connection I am making between the colloquium and the topics I am learning is through memory and learning. Learning involves getting information in long-term memory. Memory is a system by which we retain information and bring it to our mind and learning is a permanent change in behavior through

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