Research Problem What effects does different color light have on plant growth?
The plants will grow taller under the red and blue light opposed to the green and yellow light.
Related Studies While researching this topic, I found a lot of information on it. Plants react differently to different colors of light. The studies show that plants will grow the tallest under far red light; also that they will grow short and compact with only blue light. I also found tons of different examples on how to conduct the experiment.
1) First, gather your materials. You will need:
9-cell pack
4 seeds
4 cardboard boxes
4 Pots
4 sheets of cellophane (yellow, blue, green, red)
2) Put soil into the 9-cell pack.
a) Soil can be any that you prefer, but you must use the same soil throughout the whole experiment.
3) Plant the seeds in the soil.
a) You can use any type of seeds but you must use the same kind of seed for each space in the 9-cell pack.
i) You plant the seeds the length of the seed under the soil.
4) Water the seeds until water slowly drips out the openings in the bottom of the 9-cell pack and then put the 9-cell pack into direct sunlight.
5) Water the seeds every day until water drips slowly from the bottom.
6) Once the seeds sprout, transfer the plants into a pot approximately 2 inches in diameter and 3 inches tall.
a) Seeds need to sprout about ½ inch before transferring.
7) Put the cellophane onto the openings of the boxes with tape.
a) Make sure there is an opening for you to get the
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.